Bewertung Ethiopian Airlines

Ethiopian Airlines Bewertung | Disappointed

Ethiopian Airlines Flug von Frankfurt nach Addis Abeba

when i baught flight ticket to addis abeba in april the tkt agent told me that i have a possiblity to change my flight once and i baught four tickets and tried to change our flight once but it seems impossible every agent gave me differnt kinds of infomation including pices my children suffered and stayed there because of impossible rebooking or change now they must upgrading their flight and wait for their flight back home i was crying the whole flight back along home no one of your official asked what the matter was except the person who sited beside me.... I mean the reservation office is meant to be 24 hours and i was calling the wohle time and no solutions. please be precise and try to understand pax problem i baught a round trip tkt with in ethiopia but it was difficult to use it due to uncertainity about my return flight and i was renting a minibus to langano and hawas yet must stop my further trip cause of no confirmation etc.... please accept all my feedback. yours

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 - schlecht    - geht so   - mittel    - gut    - vorbildlich

  • Service
  • - geht so
  • Essensqualität
  • - mittel
  • Unterhaltung
  • - mittel
  • Sauberkeit
  • - mittel
  • Freundlichkeit
  • - mittel
  • Pünktlichkeit
  • - mittel
  • Sitzkomfort
  • - mittel
  • Preis-Leistung
  • - geht so
  • Durchschnitt
  • 2.75 Sterne
  • geflogen
  • Juli 2011
  • Flug Nr.
  • --
  • Klasse
  • Economy
  • Reiseart
  • Privat/Urlaub

Unser Tipp: Fluggutschein verschenken


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