Bewertung US Airways

No thanks, if I book US AIRWAYS again, my wife will divorce me.

  • 12.01.2011
  • PFISTER RONALD(44) Bülach
  • 0
  • US Airways Boeing 767

US Airways Flug von Zürich nach Philadelphia

We flew for Xmas from Zurich to Orlando and we were shocked when we came to the aircraft. I haven’t been flying such a crappie old plane on a transcontinental flight for decades.

Our daughter (2.5years) was getting a little nervous and didn't wane sit by herself on the seat, so my wife asked for the belt extender for small children. The stewardess literally barked at my wife, well it is your problem you must make sure she is sitting there by herself and has the seatbelt on…. Since we where now rolling already, I could convince my wife not to get out of the plane again.

Food and Service poor to bad. Entertainment; well they showed old movies on the 1 monitor and you could have bought for 5$ a headset.

After a 4h layover we took the flight from Philly down to Orlando and guess what!

A-OK, a nice aircraft, a friendly (all male) crew, good service, plenty of space, everything clean and in good order.

Confronting the steward with my findings and experience before on the leg Zurich Philly he said; oh right the transcontinental witches. And no he would never fly to Zurich cause they use the old aircrafts without any comfort. Mmmhhh and I thought they just borrowed the plane from the Smithsonian.

The route back it was exactly the same; great from Orlando to Philly and a horrible experience Philly Zurich. When the gentleman in front of me (middle row) sat down, the seat came 20cm closer to my face and the whole row moved to the side. We had some delay as the rows A+B from 8 to 30 didn't have control over their lights and call buttons. After seeing some people walking around the aircraft, and frankly speaking I thought they are the baggage loading dudes, I was starting to get worried and was thinking about leaving the plan. Unfortunately we couldn't understand any announcement over the aircrafts intercom, the speakers where so bad and even so they made the announcements in English and Deutsch, we had to ask the stewardess, which also didn't know…

I was standing at some stage in the back next to the lavoratory and “close” to the galley. One of the stewardesses told me I cannot stand in the galley, so I told her I am in front of the toilet, but I was suspecting the food came from here…

So since Zurich is not good enough for US AIRWAYS to operate it with modern Airplanes and friendly Staff I am not going to fly them again.

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 - schlecht    - geht so   - mittel    - gut    - vorbildlich

  • Service
  • - schlecht
  • Essensqualität
  • - schlecht
  • Unterhaltung
  • - schlecht
  • Sauberkeit
  • - schlecht
  • Freundlichkeit
  • - geht so
  • Pünktlichkeit
  • - geht so
  • Sitzkomfort
  • - schlecht
  • Preis-Leistung
  • - geht so
  • Durchschnitt
  • 1.38 Sterne
  • geflogen
  • Dezember 2010
  • Flug Nr.
  • --
  • Strecke
  • Flug Zürich nach Philadelphia
  • Klasse
  • Economy
  • Reiseart
  • Privat/Urlaub

Unser Tipp: Fluggutschein verschenken


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